The Optimal Destination for Indians to Establish Multi-Generational Wealth


The index assessed countries based on six distinct criteria: income potential, career progression, job prospects, quality education, economic upward mobility, and overall quality of life.

Switzerland emerges as the premier destination globally for the creation of multi-generational wealth, according to a recent index released by citizenship advisory firm Henley & Partners. The country boasts an impressive 85 percent total opportunity score, setting the benchmark for financial prosperity.

Assessed across six key parameters, including earning potential, career advancement, employment opportunities, premium education, economic mobility, and livability, Switzerland excels across the board.

Scoring a perfect 100 points in earning potential, along with 95 points for career advancement and 94 points for employment prospects, Switzerland rightfully claims the top spot on the index.

Additionally, Switzerland achieves commendable scores of 75 points for high livability and economic mobility, while securing 72 points for premium education.

Following closely behind, the United States of America secures a robust 82 percent on the total opportunity score. The US mirrors Switzerland’s employment prospects with 94 points but slightly trails on other fronts, scoring 93 points for earning potential, 86 points for career advancement, and 68 points for high livability. Employment prospects and premium education in the USA are rated at 74 points.

However, India falls short with a mere 32 percent on the opportunity score, placing even below Greece among the top 15 nations evaluated. Notably, India struggles with economic mobility, scoring just 8 points, although it does excel in career advancement with 43 points.

Singapore, despite sharing a similar earning potential to Switzerland (100 points), ranks third on the Index with a 79 percent total opportunity score. The nation achieves the highest employment prospect score of 97 points among the 15 nations listed.

Singapore trails in career advancement, scoring 66 points, but secures 55 points in premium education, 65 points in high livability, and 92 points in economic mobility.

Australia claims the fourth spot with a 75 percent total opportunity score. With 66 points on earning potential, 79 points on career advancement, and 84 points on employment prospects, the island nation showcases a conducive environment for wealth creation. Additionally, it scores 73 points each on premium education and economic mobility, along with 74 points for high livability.

Closing the top five is Canada, boasting a 74 percent total opportunity score. With employment prospects akin to Australia’s, Canada earns 67 points in earning potential, 79 points in career advancement, 71 points in premium education, 73 points in economic mobility, and 72 points in high livability.

Greece, scoring a mere 49 percent on the total opportunity score, finds itself at the bottom of the index among the 15 nations evaluated.

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